Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Story Time!!!

I hate story time at the library. Absolutely hate it! The songs, the clapping, the really unfunny stories that my kids tell and retell. But, my kids LOVE it! So that was our only goal today (besides more laundry). And yet, here it is, 11 am and we aren't there yet. In fact, it will be over before we get there. Why? Well, J decided to take a shower with me and once I got out she stayed in for a minute playing in the spray and applying about 50 gallons of conditioner to her hair. C is clingy today (another bottom tooth coming in) so I can hardly put her down to get dressed. M just plain "forgot" to get dressed. This is a new thing for him. It's not that he didn't get dressed after I told him to, he simply FORGOT. Kid has the memory of an 80 year old.
Anyway, right this moment the kids are in the car buckled in and waiting for me to make a mad dash to the library so they can sing a few songs. But I know we are already too late, so I thought I'd sit down for a moment and collect my thoughts. The garage is nice and cool at the moment so I know they aren't sweating to death.
Basically, it all boils down to this. No matter how hard I try to take the kids to the places they want to go, they somehow manage to throw 2 or 50 obstacles in my way. Normally this frustrates the heck out of me and I get all bitter and crabby. But today, I am choosing to find the upside once again and say "Oh well, I didn't want to go to the library for story time anyway." Gonna drop the books in the book drop outside and drive through Starbucks. Lovely Tuesday!

"profiter de la doublure d'argent"

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