Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's raining....

You know the old saying. "When it rains, it pours." Around here if we feel a drop of rain we prepare for a monsoon. This time it took me by surprise though and I did not have my rain gear on, or my boat inflated, or a life vest and I was swept away in the flood. There are lots of times in my life where I have felt knocked off of my feet and disoriented when I finally stand up again. I really wish for one of those times because at least I got right back up. These last two weeks I have been knocked down and I am struggling to find purchase to drag myself back to standing. I am determined, though. I will find a way to get back up and on solid ground.

You know what's really great about being knocked down? Where else can you look but up? So I can definitely see the upside to everything. Or is it the underside of everything? Either way, it's much easier to set a goal from this view point. The goal of the day? To enjoy a dr. pepper while my kids play with their cousins and I work a bit more on next year's homeschool curriculum. Not a bad plan. It's not the zoo we originally planned, but it IS raining, after all.

So where is the satire? Where is the comment that makes all of this worthwhile? Why did you read this post? I have no idea. I'm only human. Good grief.

Okay, okay. I'm reminded that I committed to using this blog to count my blessings, so here is something good. Everything that has happened this week has renewed my resolve to do the best I can for my kids, despite the obstacles I face. Just try and stop me.

"profiter de la doublure d'argent"