Wednesday, August 3, 2011

School's In!

Almost. Next week M starts 1st grade. And I start teaching 1st grade. Coincidence? Nope. M keeps referring to his teacher (me) as if he has no idea what she'll (I'll) be like. We homeschooled last year so it isn't like he doesn't get the concept. I may don a wig and call myself Mrs. CopperBottom or Mrs. Habersham or even better Mr. Tomnus to keep up this charade he seems to have created in his head. I am also going to homeschool J. Yes, she's only 3 but it is never too early to get started AND she is desperate to "go to school." We'll just learn colors and numbers and letters and see what happens. L goes back to pre-k for the fall. I am excited for him but I miss him so much when he goes to school all day, unless it is one of THOSE days, then I'm happy for a break.

The beginning of the school year always prompts a lot of late nights and even more introspection. I have to look back at our summer and think of how we spent it. What did we learn? (a pinecone throwing ceremony is still not a reason to misuse your slingshot- a horse rib is, in fact, 2 inches long- some kids can levitate and unlock things- learning to walk is difficult when you get too many hugs- dora makes some people so excited!!!!!- if you even so much as blink someone will be into something somewhere)? Did the kids have fun? (I'm going with yes here, but every other day was punctuated with I'm bored) Did I yell too much (probably) Did I give in too little (no- I definitely gave in as much as I could handle/afford) Will my kids look back and wish for this summer? (Maybe, maybe not- hopefully it comes up in their future therapies as a Happy Place) We did a lot of swimming, some playing, some firework shooting and a little bit of birthday celebrating (my baby girl C is 1!!!) so overall I think it was pretty successful.

So, as we begin our new school year I pray that we will learn what God wants us to learn, live as an example to everyone we meet and be successful in all of our endeavors. I leave you with a smattering of photos from our SUMMER!

"profiter de la doublure d'argent"

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